Our Story
The Beginning
We began our journey by creating a one-of-a-kind family firm to help clients create their own “Florin-topia.”
Our definition of “Florin-topia” is a happy place where compassion and understanding prosper when dealing with finances between generations. It is a place where kindness, guidance, and expertise drive our holistic planning approach.
We take each client on their own unique journey to financial success. Every family comes with different nuances, backgrounds, and challenges. It is our vision to help improve our clients’ and their family’s lives each time they meet with us.
It is our calling to help clients be the best that they can be and to reach their financial dreams!
Behind Our Name
The Florin was a gold coin first issued by the Republic of Florence in 1252 AD. It was the first European coin to play a significant commercial role around the world, due in part to the Medici dynasty.
They turned Florence into an international powerhouse with innovative banking products and a sophisticated banking system that helped facilitate finance and commerce around the world.
During their 500-year rule, the Medici’s not only took care of their own family, but they also supported charities with their considerable wealth and provided patronage to artists who are now household names: Donatello, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michelangelo.
Florin Group continues the legacy of helping families grow and managing their wealth for future generations, while giving back to the community.